Our theme and centre of our show is going to be Austerity in
the UK. Government cuts or tax increase as part of policies made to reduce
budget deficits. These policies come with a price: The increase in
un-employment, creating more debts in the country, reducing spending because of
the money in household pockets starts to reduce etc…
Due to this there have
been many Protest marches and demands against Austerity in the UK. But our
protest against it will be a Brechtian style performance to challenge the
audience into facing the existing and potential problems in our society. With a
comedic approach of a monopoly-like game show we are going to tickle our
audience and then hit them with the disturbing reality.
As the audience came in we rolled a dice symbolic of luck in the capitalist world and gave them seats based on their titles as Plebs or Bosses. This was a dark but comedic angle to start off with and made it a perfect tickle for us to then reveal darker and darker realities in the different episodes. Then as the game show came back on the Pleb life got increasingly harsh with the dismal fortune cards and tragic jail sentences. I think we were quite successful in slowly bringing across the idea of exploitation and letting the audience realize for themselves when to stop laughing.
The game show in my opinion brought the episodes together quite well. The transitions between scenes could've been improved but the constant themes of consumption, exploitation and need for socialism were very prominent throughout. Not just with the ongoing game show but with the very similar chorus we had in a lot of scenes which reinforced the V-effect and kept the messages strong. The luxury items being held out by slave shelf humans in the price, the ridiculous parade of walking advertisements that came through our focus group and the indulge market research discussion, the mass of demonized public school kids contrasted with the rich white men peering and laughing scathingly at socialism...
As the audience came in we rolled a dice symbolic of luck in the capitalist world and gave them seats based on their titles as Plebs or Bosses. This was a dark but comedic angle to start off with and made it a perfect tickle for us to then reveal darker and darker realities in the different episodes. Then as the game show came back on the Pleb life got increasingly harsh with the dismal fortune cards and tragic jail sentences. I think we were quite successful in slowly bringing across the idea of exploitation and letting the audience realize for themselves when to stop laughing.
The game show in my opinion brought the episodes together quite well. The transitions between scenes could've been improved but the constant themes of consumption, exploitation and need for socialism were very prominent throughout. Not just with the ongoing game show but with the very similar chorus we had in a lot of scenes which reinforced the V-effect and kept the messages strong. The luxury items being held out by slave shelf humans in the price, the ridiculous parade of walking advertisements that came through our focus group and the indulge market research discussion, the mass of demonized public school kids contrasted with the rich white men peering and laughing scathingly at socialism...
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